Sunday, 12 January 2014

Less Is More!

I did think of posting my thoughts on a regular basis but (there is always a 'but') my demanding job plus my lazy attitude did not allow me to fill in my little space.
Recently I have been using the statement 'Less is More' very often and that I truly believe in it. If given a thought, this little expression says so much.
There are times when little gestures, emotions, things simplify the most complicated situations and stories. I personally used to expect so much out of people, things-basically life. I got nothing out of it but 'Babaji Ka Thullu' (Yes I am a big fan know who ;) ) Some odd day I heard someone saying blah blah blah.."Less is more" and it just got stuck in my mind, body and soul.
Less of expectations, less of thinking, less of holding grudges, less of make up, less of gossip gives more of happiness, more of healthy relations, more of a positive and unburdened attitude and more inner as well as outer beauty. You tend to be just yourself!
I really want to say less because this mind blowing statement in itself says so much.
All I can and want to conclude is 'Say less -Feel, believe and do more ! High 5 :)

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