Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What We Think, We Become!

January 15th 2014 was one of the most inspirational days of my life. From today I plan to think BIG, believe BIG and do BIG.

I have always been a very motivational person, I get motivated instantly (which I believe is a good trait). This day brought in a lot of flavor to my usual thought process. It was one of those places which helped me to see beyond what I currently am and doing. (Though I love the fact what I am and doing, but there in no harm in thinking BIG).

If someone asks me what is my hobby- Its taking challenges! If you want to grow you must possess the ability to challenge the challenges. One's life must be meaningful. One's life must have some interesting content to share. Life without meaning it not a life worth living! There come numerous instances in life which leave an inspirational mark. Some take it seriously some apply 'No Marks' to these! LOL..
Life is all about excitement and zeal. Why waste it?

The journey of life gives you good and bad times, the former to cherish and the latter to learn. And the best revenge is massive success! You need negatives to develop, its just like photography. Life is short- Believe in it, Love it and Live it.

Today, I stand tall and say 'I don't regret the things I have done, because I think BIG! High 5!


  1. Best of luck aru, I am sure you will excel in every challenge of this world :-)

  2. Only one thing Aru...."Do what you love and love what you do"

  3. Nice Thought - Expressed Beautifully !!!
